Tuesday, December 23, 2008

EXT Web Desktop, Customizing Desktop Icons and Start Menu

To customize the icons and links on the desktop itself, you need to open the sample.js file that was uploaded to the EXTND database. Look at the top section of code, that starts with MyDesktop, In the getModules function you list what you want to appear on the desktop and start menu.

There are two options for adding applications, you can have it on the desktop and start menu, or you can have it on the start menu only.

Here is an example of adding it to the desktop and start menu. In this example i am adding a link to a webpage shown in an iframe.

Notice the iconcls tag. This is what you will use when you edit the desktop.css and add icons to go with this link.

This will add a small icon on the start menu and task bar.

.remotedesktop {
background-image: url( ../images/remotedesktopsmall.png ) !important;

Save and close the desktop.css and the sample.js. Now the application is in the start menu. Next open the main html page that contains the web desktop code. Add the new application to the desktop by adding some pass through html like this.

The dt id defines the image you will assign in the desktop.css file like this

#Remote-Desktop-shortcut img {
background-image: url(../images/remotedesktop.png);
filter:progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.AlphaImageLoader(src='/EXTND/EXTNDB1.nsf/ext/2.0.1/desktop/images/remotedesktop.png', sizingMethod='scale');

This will add the icon to the desktop with a link to your application.

In my next post i will discuss how to group items togeather in the start menu.


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